Day 9

We’ll all be glad when this is over.  I really just post these days so that I’ll remember what day I’m on and how close to the end I am.  Tomorrow is the LAST DAY!!!!

Day 8 was so uneventful it wasn’t even worth mentioning.  It rains.  It fogs.  The frogs peep and peep and PEEP PEEP PEEP PEEP.  I box.  I clean.  I drink water.  My hair turns into a big frizzy white girl afro.  I lose my keys.  I find my keys.  I lose my cell phone.  It’s in my pocket.  I clean.  I freak out in my head.  PEEP PEEP PEEP.  The neighbor yells “Get your FUCKING shoes on,” at his autistic 4 year old son.  Baby cries.  I don’t know if it really cries or if it’s just an echo in my head, it cries so much.  “FUCK this, FUCK FUCK FUCK,” the neighbor with the half pink hair could at least shut his window so I can’t hear this from my kitchen.  I trip over shoes.  Who needs a ride?  I lose the packing tape, the scissors and the sharpie.  Where are my keys?  Did I pack my keys in some box?”  I pack books.  I pack books.  I pack books.  Why are there so many books?  I think about wine.  Don’t the frogs ever sleep?  I think about coffee.  I’d give up all food just to have coffee and wine.  Now, where’s my cell phone?

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